Sylgard® High Voltage Insulator Coating - insulator pollution management – Product development and application history. PORCELAIN / GLASS Surfaces become available to the arc jumps at the high air-pollution conditions. .

Accumulation of dirt.

Water film formation

Leakage currents

Significant dirt resources resulting with arc jump.
Salt coming from the ocean / sea.
Industrial pollution coming from the Petro-Chemical, Cement, Iron-Steel and coal enterprises.
Exhaust gases (automobile etc..)
Dirt carried by air.
Agricultural pollution, fertilization and other pollutant factors.
Results of the arc jumps
Human injuries
Disruption of business
Cessation of the enterprise
Wide-ranging expensive repairs
Loss of earning or punishment sanction
Disorders-Industry, Tourism, Consumers
Poor Public Relations
Ways to protect insulators from the Pollution
Washing with water: Every year, a process that needs to be done again, expensive in the long term.
Changing the insulator with a larger one.This option is very expensive solution, but if the dirt formation is not prevented , it only postpones the arc jump.
Grease coverage: Hydro-carbon or electricity-resistant silicone Grease usage. Covering grease after the short time will become saturated with dirt, and grease is cleaned and re-application will be made.
RTV Silicone Elastomeric Coating: High Voltage Insulator Coatings (HVIC). The lowest cumulative cost and long time reliable results with the help of high voltage insulator coating are obtained.
The costs of the solution options.

- In 1970, Dow Corning launched RTV elastomer built Sylgard ® HVIC project as a pioneer in the sector.It made this at the request of the electrical enterprises to prevent the arc jump occuring the result of pollution
- Laboratory experiments / tests 1970 – 1974.
- In USA, 10 years site application at the big electrical enterprises, 1974-1984. The perfect result, "0" maintenance and "0" arc jump. (PGE, of Southern California Edison, Florida Light and Power)
- Sylgard HVIC was launched commercially in 1984.

Sylgard HVIC
- Sylgard HVIC has specially designed and patented formula for the electrical industry.
- Sylgard HVIC uses the same formulation since 1974.
- Over 25 years of severe testing and on site experience from 11kV to 500kV.
- An independent and very large industrial testing (laboratory and field).
- Successful results have been taken in global level at big enterprises.They have been used in United States, europe, africa, middle east and far east at the hundreds of problematic points.
Sylgard HVIC + (NEW)
- Original Sylgard HVIC has provided excellent and unparalleled field service life globally for 25 years.
- 5 years ago, Dow Corning used own silicone technology experiences to develop a new generation RTV silicone coating.
- The competitors in RTV sector occur within last 15 years.But these competitors could not make any development out of the first created technology at the lasting time.
- Dow Corning's new generation product is Slygard HVIC + .
- The product color options are white, gray and blue.